In Line Ultrasonic Flow Meter High Dynamic Response Inline Ultrasonic Flow meter MODEL : SL3488 SL3488 Ultrasonic flow meters The model SL3488 inline ultrasonic flow meter (here in after referred to as SL3488) is a true state-of-the-art transit-time flow meter designed using PICOFLY technology and 0.01 nanosecond (10 pico seconds) resolution; the flow sample rate […]
Dalian Ultrasonic Flow Meter china was established in 1996. Our firm is a high technology company which specializes in design, manufacture and development. TDS-100 series of ultrasonic flow meters / calorimeters / water meters are widely used in the oil, chemical, metallurgy, water conservancy, heating, and boiler industries. Our products are exported to the United States, Europe, […]
Flow measuring, ratio control and liquid dispensing High precision measuring results for almost all pumpable media Test stands, quantity, consumption, volume and flow measuring, metering, batching, ratio control, monitoring of mixing ratios, leakage, breakdown, limit value, real time monitoring, liquid dispensing Diverse application possibilities measuring technology metering technology hydraulics monitoring technology control and regulating process […]
Hand Held Flow MeterPortable Flow Meter The TDS-100H ultrasonic flow meter is designed to measure the fluid velocity of liquid within a closed conduit. The transducers are a non-contacting, clamp-on type, which will provide benefits of non-fouling operation and easy installation. The TDS-100H transit time flow meter utilizes two transducers that function as both ultrasonic […]
Ultrasonic flow meter adalah flow meter yang dalam pengukurannya berdasarkan pada velocity dari fluid baik liquid maupun gas dengan menggunakan prisip kerja dari ultrasound. Ultrasonic flow meter (UFM) merupakan meter jenis inferensial (mengukur secara tidak langsung) yang menentukan kecepatan alir cairan (liquid flow rate) dengan mengukur waktu transit pulsa suara frekuensi tinggi (high-frequency sound pulses) […]
Turbine Flow Meter Stainless Steel Flow Meter PVC Flow Meter Water MeterFEATURES • One moving part • Low friction jewel bearings • Field repairable without removal from the line • Choice of materials for chemical compatibility • Variety of displays and control APPLICATIONS • Water treatment • Wastewater treatment • Cooling water monitoring • Industrial fluid control […]
GENERAL INFORMATION The TX100/200-Series are adjustable depth insertion turbines that come in brass or 316 stainless models to fit 3” to 40” pipe. Installation fittings are standard 1-1/2″ (101/201) or 2” (115/215) FNPT. Fittings such as saddles and weldolets may be purchased either locally or from Seametrics. Ruby bearings and a non-drag pickoff give these […]
Alia Flow Meter Sanitary Flow Meter Food Grade Flow Meter Electromagnetic Flowmeter AMF601 Series is a sanitary type electromagnetic Flowmeter ideal for conductive liquids. It comes in sizes from 25 to 100 mm. The AMF601 is widely used for drink water, Milk , food & beverage juice and many other industrial fluid. AMF601 Series electromagnetic […]
AMF900 Series Electromagnetic Flow Meter AMF900 Series is a flange type Electromagnetic Flow meter ideal for conductive liquids. It comes in sizes from 6 to 2000mm. AMF900 electromagnetic flow meter is widely used for tap-water, waste water, food & beverage Pulp & Paper and many other industrial fluid. AMF900 Series electromagnetic flow meter could be […]
Converter For Electromagnetic Flow Meter Model AMC4000 Series ALIAMAG AMC4000 series is a battery powered converter be used with AMF series sensor in both compact or separate version. FEATURES Battery supply feed with 2~3 years life in normal working condition. Accuracy of +/-0.3% value of reading Bi-directionally measure flow and pulse output 3 lines of […]