
Aalborg DPM Mass Flow Meter

Product Summary Digital Mass Flow Meter with Temperature and Pressure Design Features Multi-Parameter functionality: Mass Flow, Volumetric Flow, Gas Pressure and Temperature. Multi-Gas functionality: support for 90 different gases and gas mixes. “User Defined Mixture” functionality allows to create and store up 20 custom gas mixes with up to 5 different gases each. Quick (< […]

Aalborg GFC Thermal Mass Flow Controller

General Description Compact, self contained Aalborg GFC Thermal Mass Flow Controller are designed to indicate and control flow rates of gases. The rugged design coupled with instrumentation grade accuracy provides versatile and economical means of flow control. Aluminum or stainless steel models with readout options of either engineering units (standard) or 0 to 100 percent […]

Aalborg GFM Thermal Mass Gas Flow Meter

GFM Mass Flow Meter is a low cost solution to thermal mass flow metering for gases is presented by Aalborg in introducing the model GFM mass flow meter line. The GFM design combines the convenience and accuracy of conventional mass flow devices with low costs previously unattainable. Each of these meters incorporate an advanced straight […]

DFC Digital Mass Flow Controller

DFC Digital Mass Flow Controller automatically nulls the sensor zero offset whenever the flow set point is below 2% of full scale. To accommodate this feature the control valve must fully close under that condition. Provisions are made to either disable, force or store the current auto zero via digital commands. Microprocessor driven digital flow […]

Flowma WMAG21 Electromagnetic Water Flow Meter

Flowma WMAG21 Electromagnetic Water Flow Meter merupakan jenis flow meter Electromagnetic Flow Meter, yang dimana salah satu jenis dari flow measurement, produk yang akan kami bahas hari ini adalah WMAG21 Electromagnetic Water Flow Meter Pengenalan Flowma WMAG21 Electromagnetic series intelligent electromagnetic flowmeter dibuat sesuai dengan hukum induksi electromagnetic untuk mengukur  cairan ber konduktivitas yang mengalir […]

Flow Meter untuk Air Lumpur Limbah Pertambangan

Flow Meter Limbah Pertambangan – Artikel kali ini membahas tentang flow meter apa yang cocok untuk proses limbah pertambangan. Limbah pertambangan yang dimaksud berupa overburden, gangue, tailing yang bercampur dengan air (lumpur). Bukan rahasia lagi bahwa penambangan dapat menghasilkan banyak limbah. Ini terbukti dengan melihat sekilas dari setiap operasi penambangan dan skala di mana mereka […]

FMTB Series Flow Meter Group

FMTB Series Flow Meter Group the user-friendly software enables flexibility in operation. Password protection and several user levels provide security of all important data and settings.  Clear screens and the menu structure make it easy to set up the test models and operate the test bench. All necessary data is visible during the test. Former […]

Dwyer V4 Flotect Series Vane Flow Switch

Dwyer V4 Flotect Series Vane Flow Switch Flow Switch operates automatically to protect equipment and pipeline systems against damage from reduction or loss of flow. Flotect Series V4 Installed in thousands of pipelines and processing plants around the world, this unique magnetically actuated switching design assures superior performance. Universal multi layer vane accommodates pipe sizes […]

Dwyer V6 Flotect Series Flow Switches

Dwyer V6 Flotect Series Flow Switches is available in both a standard flow & a field adjustable low-flow design. Surprisingly compact, the Flotect V6 Flow Switch is engineered specifically to monitor liquid, gas or air flows in pipelines from 1/2″ to 2″ diameter. With bushings added, it is easily adapted to 1/4″ and 3/8″ piping. […]

Flow Meter Ultrasonic Clamp on Flowma WUF300 CF

Flow Meter Ultrasonic Flowma WUF300CF adalah jenis flow meter clamp on yang sistem instalasinya tidak memotong pipa maupun melubangi pipa. Sensor ultrasonic cukup ditempel di permukaan lluar pipa kemudian di beri bracket dan di clamp. Ultrasonic Flowmeter Flowma WUF300CF dapat di pasang pada semua jenis material pipa seperti carbon steel, stainless steel, PVC, HDPE dan […]

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