Flowmasonic clamp on WUF-100CF adalah flow meter jenis ultrasonic yang sistem instalasinya menggunakan clamp on. Installasi clamp on ultrasonic flow meter ini pipa tidak perlu dipotomg atau di lubangi tapi sensor atau transducer ultrasonic cukup di tempel di permukaan luar pipa dengan bantuan clamp bracket. Dibebarapa kasus karena installasi flow meter tidak boleh menghentikan produksi terlalu lama, serta […]
Hand-Held Flowmasonic WUF-100J Ultrasonic flow meter can be virtually applied to a wide range of measurements. A variety of liquid applications can be accommodated: ultra-pure liquids, portable water, chemicals, raw sewage, reclaimed water, cooling water, river water, plant effluent. etc The model WUF100J handheld ultrasonic flowmeter (here-in after referred to as flowmasonic wuf 100j ) is a true state-of-the-art transit-time […]
The WUF 500 is a state-of-the-art universal transit-time Flow meter designed using SLSI technology and low voltage broadband pulse transmission. While principally designed for clean liquid application, the instrument is tolerant of liquids with small amounts of air bubbles or suspended solids found in most industrial environment. Baca juga: WUF 100 CF Flowmasonic Clamp On […]
Flowmasonic is ultrasonic flow meter series WUF100 adopts a state-of-the-art, single-board technology featuring high precision, high reliability, high performance, low price, etc. that make it the ultrasonic flow meter of choice by many customers from all over the world. It’s main features are: The sensors being clamp-on type, there’s no pressure loss. The sensors are […]
Flowmasonic WUF-100CF adalah flow meter jenis ultrasonic yang sistem instalasinya menggunakan clamp on. Installasi clamp on ini pipa tidak perlu dipotomg atau di lubangi tapi sensor atau transducer ultrasonic cukup di tempel di permukaan luar pipa dengan bantuan clamp bracket. Flowmasonic jenis clamp on punya keunggulan dalam hal installasi lebih cepat dan lebih murah biayanya. […]