
Onicon F3500 Series Insertion Electromagnetic Flow Meter

ONICON Incorporated’s F-3500 series insertion electromagnetic flowmeters are suitable for measuring electrically conductive liquids in a wide variety of applications. Each F-3500 provides a single analog output for flow rate, a high-resolution frequency output to drive peripheral devices, scalable pulse output for totalization, and an empty pipe alarm signal. Two versions of the F-3500 are […]

Onicon Flow Energy and Measurement

Introduction Onicon flow measurement ONICON adalah brand flow and energy measurement yang berdiri sejak tahun 1987. Selama ini secara eksklusif fokus  pada memberikan aliran rekayasa kualitas dan instrumen pengukuran flow dan energi untuk sistem heat energy dan cooling . Teknologi produk flow meter brand onicon  meliputi: elektromagnetic, turbine, ultrasonic, termal mass, dan vortex serta perhitungan […]

ONICON D-1200 Series Multi-Flow Meter Display

DESCRIPTION D-1200 series displays adalah modular flow display centers, alat tambahan yang menjadikan ONICON insertion dan inline flow meters menjadi flow monitoring stations yang lengkap. The wall-mounted modules menampilkan flow rate dan total flow. Dan menyediakan arus bertegangan rendah yang berfungsi sebagai sumber tenaga DC yang mampu mengoperasikan ONICON inline maupun insertion flow meters. Display […]

Onicon F3500 Series Insertion Electromagnetic Flow Meter.

ONICON Incorporated’s F-3500 series insertion electromagnetic flow meters are suitable for measuring electrically conductive liquids in a wide variety of applications. Each F-3500 provides a single analog output for fl ow rate, a high resolution frequency output to drive peripheral devices, a scalable pulse output for totalization, and an empty pipe alarm signal. Two versions […]

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