
Vortek Tek Air Flow Meters VT 5000
Vortek Tek Air Flow Meters VT 5000

Vortek Tek Air Flow Meters VT 5000

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Tek Air Flow Meter VT5000
Velocity measurement is accomplished by Tek-Air’s unique, patented, VorTek sensors.  VorTek sensors utilize proven vortex shedding phenomena to measure the true airflow velocity independent of changes in temperature, density, and humidity which affect Pitot and thermal airflow measurement systems.
The VT-5000 Airflow Measurement Probe consists of multi-sensor probes inserted in the ductwork where airflow is to be measured and transmitted. Individual sensors on the probes provide pulse frequency electronic output signals which are directly proportional and linear to the airflow velocity. These signals are totalized in the companion transmitter and converted to an industry standard, 4-20mA output. (1-5 VDC or 2-10 VDC are also selectable by jumper).
VAV fan synchronization for large inlet fans (greater than 24″ Diameter)
cleanroom flow tracking and control of pharma semi-conductor, process/industrial, hospital and R&D facilities, filter monitoring , and lab pressurization
filter monitoring
lab pressurization
linear sensor output
true velocity averaging
drift-free operation
ten-to-one flow turndown
impervious to dirt and other suspended materials in the airstream
Model Series VT5000, antara lain :
 Model VT5100
 Model VT5200
 Model VT5300

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