
Kofloc Small Proportional Solenoid Valve Model 3000 Flow Control

Small Proportional Solenoid Valve MODEL 3000 SERIES   The Model 3000 Series maintains flow control characteristics with hysteresis of 15% or less (full-scale current). This ultra-compact proportional solenoid valve is perfect for automatic gas flow control of gas chromatographs and various other analyzers. With its high resolution, the Model 3000 is also suitable for precision pressure […]

Kofloc Compact Handy Mass Flow Control/Measurement Unit FLOW COMPO

Compact Handy Mass Flow Control/Measurement Unit FLOW COMPO  This is a compact handy flow control/measuring unit made by combining a compact DIN72 x72 power indicator [CR-400] and MFC/MFM. Features : ・ Compact, lightweight integral unit ・ The touch panel type permits easy FS scaling, flow setting, and valve opening/closing. ・ Free selection of joints ranging […]

Kofloc Flowmeter with Bellows Needle Valve (for Low-leak Flow Measurement and Control) MODEL RK1500 SERIES

Flowmeter with Bellows Needle Valve (for Low-leak Flow Measurement and Control) MODEL RK1500 SERIES     The Model RK1500 Series Flowmeter is equipped with a bellows seal type needle valve so that it can withstand high vacuum, high pressure, high temperature and toxic gases. Features : 1. High reliability against leak is ensured because 100% […]

Low Flow Magmeter

The PE102 magmeter is designed for low-flow chemical injection or difficult-to-meter applications with pulsating metering pumps in 3/4” to 1/4” pipe/tube. The housing is made of sturdy splashproof HDPE plastic. With no moving parts, the PE102 can handle fluids containing particulate matter without clogging or jamming, keeping maintenance at a minimum. With no metallic parts […]

Jenis Level Sensor

Level sensor yang diguankan untuk mengukur level dari suatu media baik level untuk liquid maupun level untuk lumpur dan powder mempunyai banyak jenis. Pengertian level sensor adlah alat instrumrnt yang dapat digunakan menedeteksi ketinggian atau level dari suatu matrial dengan fungsi sebagai monitor ataupun pengiriman data ataupun berfungsi sebagai switch. Level sensor yang palig banyak […]

Level Sensor

Level Meter Level Switch Level Transmitter Level sensor atau Level Control atau Level Tank merupakan peralatan untuk mengukur ketinggian suatu matrial didalam tempat tertentu baik tempat tertutup seperti tanki mauput terbuka seperti parit, bendungan, sungai atau laut. Ketinggian matrial tidak hanya berupa liquid namun bisa juga berupa biji-bijian maupun powder.                        Dalam menentukan jenis level […]

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