
Vortek Tek Air Flow Meters VT 5000

Velocity measurement is accomplished by Tek-Air’s unique, patented, VorTek sensors.  VorTek sensors utilize proven vortex shedding phenomena to measure the true airflow velocity independent of changes in temperature, density, and humidity which affect Pitot and thermal airflow measurement systems. The VT-5000 Airflow Measurement Probe consists of multi-sensor probes inserted in the ductwork where airflow is […]

Aluminium Oil Flow Meter

.Based on the same meshing gear principle as the VSE Series VS andVHM the VSE EF ecoflow sensor measures viscous media, however as in-line-device. The VSE EF ecoflow is an inexpensive alternative to the VS Series for measuring tasks with lower standards of technical characteristics such as accuracy, pressure, temperature, etc. Performance data Flow range 0,05 up to 150 l/min Pressure range up to 200 bar Temperature range 0 up to 80°C […]

Flow Measurement

Flow Meters A flow meter is an instrument used to measure linear, nonlinear,  mass or volumetric flow rate of a liquid or a gas. Some flow meters measure flow as the amount of fluid passing through the flowmeter during a time period (such as 100 liters per minute). Other flowmeters measure the totalized amount of fluid that has passed through […]

TDS 100F Remote Ultrasonic Flow Meters

Wall mounted fixed type ultrasonic flow meter Remote Ultrasonic Flow MeterTDS-100F series meters are applicable to measure liquid flow in industry application.main frame include wall-mounted standard  S type, wall mounted ex-proof S type, panel s type and native place displaying (F4).sensors include clamp on type, insertion type, inline type. The main board of TDS-100F  is […]

SL1188 Clamp On Ultrasonic Flow Meter

SL1188 Ultrasonic flow meter Clamp On Installation Flow MetersGENERAL DESCRIPTION The SiteLab SL1188 Flow meters is a state-of-the-art universal transit-time FlowMeter for Heavy Industrial applications. Sophisticated electronics incorporating the latest developments in digital signal processing coupled with powerful ultrasonic transducers deliver highly accurate flow measurement for liquids in full pipes. While principally designed for clean […]

Gravity Flow Meters

Gravity Velocity flow meters Gravity flow meters adalah flow meter yang diaplikasikan pada aliran dari suatu fluida yang sistem pengalirannya tidak menggunakan tekanan pompa. Gravity flow meters bisa di asumsikan sebagai flow meter yang diaplikasikan guna mengukur flow rate maupun totalizer dari aliran suatu cairan yang menggunakan prinsip ketinggian atau mengalir karena adanya grafitasi dan […]

SiteLab SL1188 Clamp On Ultrasonic Flow Meter

 SL1188 Industrial Non-Invasive Ultrasonic Transit-Time Flow Meter GENERAL DESCRIPTION The SL1188 Ultrasonic clamp on flow meters is a state-of-the-art universal transit-time flowmeter designed using SLSI technology and low voltage broadband  pulse  transmission.  While  principally  designed  for  clean  liquid  applications,  the  instrument  is  tolerant of liquids with small amounts of air bubbles or suspended solids found […]

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