Alia Electromagnetic Flow Meter model : AMC4000 Series AMC4000 series is a battery powered converter be used with AMF series sensor in both compact or separate version. …read more….. AMC2100E Series AMC2100E series Converter With temperature/energy function can be used with AMF series flowmeter in both compact or separate versions………. read more…… AMF300 Series AMF300 […]
Seametrics insertion meters must be seated in fittings that match the pipe size and material. How to Order: Specify Part Number, Size Code, and Option Number (when appropriate). Select pipe size codes as follows:
Alia Vortex Flow Meter Vortex Flow Meter Gas Flow Meter Flow Meter Gas ALIAVTX AVF7000 is a Vortex Flowmeter based on Von Karman theory of vortices generated by a bluff body in the pipe. The number of vortices are linearly proportional to the volumetric flow in the pipe. The AVF7000 is versatile flowmeter widely used for Gases, […]
Alia Flow Meter Alia Electromagnetic Flow Meter Flow Meter Alia Alia Group Inc. Is located in Newark, DE, USA since 2003, Our innovative products and systems integrate the latest technologies to meet the evolving needs of public or private energy and water suppliers, utility services and industrial companies such as flow measurement Alia Electromagnetic flowmeter […]
The PE102 magmeter is designed for low-flow chemical injection or difficult-to-meter applications with pulsating metering pumps in 3/4” to 1/4” pipe/tube. The housing is made of sturdy splashproof HDPE plastic. With no moving parts, the PE102 flow meter can handle fluids containing particulate matter without clogging or jamming, keeping maintenance at a minimum. With no […]
Electromagnetic Flow Meter EX80-Series insertion electromagnetic flowmeters are designed for use with conductive liquids in 1 to 12” pipe. A choice of materials (stainless steel, brass, and PVC) allows the meter to adapt to a range of temperature, pressure, and corrosive environments. FEATURES • No moving parts • Economical • Durable • Easy to install […]
The WMP-Series is a full-bore, plastic-bodied electromagnetic flow meter designed for flow and usage monitoring applications in 1 and 2 inch pipe. The polypropylene flow tube offers corrosion resistance to a wide range of chemicals. Its light weight and easy to install or remove from the pipe for inspection*. FEATURES • No moving parts • […]
Electromagnetic Flow Meter digunakan untuk mengukur aliran cairan yang mempunyai konduktivitas minimal 5µS/cm namun ada juga yang mensyaratkan minimal konduktivias 20µS/cm. Sensor electromagnetic dipasang pada posisi tertentu guna mengukur aliran cairan tanpa adanya bagian mekanik yang bergerak sehingga cukup aman terhadap cairan yang mungkin sesekali mengandung kotoran, mengandung asam atau sifat korosive. Dalam Hal akurasi Electromagnetic Flow Meter mempunyai […]
The AG2000 is a spool-type electromagnetic flowmeter for use in irrigation applications in 4” to 10” pipe. With no moving parts, these meters have unobstructed flow and are resistant to wear from debris found in ground or surface water. There are no bearings or propeller to wear out. Minimal straight pipe requirements allow AG2000 flow meters to be used in piping configurations […]
Prinsip Kerja Flow Meter Flow meter electromagnetic bekerja berdasarkan Hukum Farraday pada induksi elektromagnetik untuk mengukur proses aliran. Tingkat tegangan sinyal sesuai dengan rata-rata kecepatan aliran yang diinduksi pada elektroda ketika cairan konduktif mengalir melalui medan magnet pada suatu kecepatan V. Maka tegangan induksinya, E = KBVD dimana E = tegangan […]