PE 202 Flow Magmeter The PE 202 Seametrics Low-Flow Magmeter is designed for low-flow chemical injection or difficult-to-meter applications with pulsating metering pumps in 3/4” to 1/4” pipe/tube. The housing is made of sturdy splashproof HDPE plastic. With no moving parts, the PE202 can handle fluids containing particulate matter without clogging or jamming, keeping maintenance at a […]
Flow sensor magnetic Ada dua komponen flowmeter magnetic yang utama yaitu magnetic flow sensor dan magnetic flow transmitter atau converter magnetic. Untuk flow sensor magnetic terdapat beberapa komponan sesuai dengan jenis dan model flow meternya dan biasanya ini yang menjadi acuan size flow meter dengan koneksi disesuaikan kondisi lapangan apakah menggunakan flange, ulir atau lainya. […]
Flowmeter magnetic diproduksi dan digunakan hanya untuk mendeteksi aliran yang mempunyai dasar ciran yang mempunyai koduktivitas minimal 20 micro siemens. Sensua dengan aplikasinya jenis flowmeter magnetic dapat di golongkan berdasarkan cara installasinya yaitu : In Line flow meter magnetic Insertion magnetic flow meter In Line flow meter magnetic In Line magnetic flow meter merupakan jenis […]
Sensor water flowmeter magnetic Flowmeter magnetic menggunakan Induksi Elektromagnetik pada Hukum Faraday untuk mengetahui karakteristik aliran air di dalam pipa. Pada flow meter elektromagnetik, medan magnet dihasilkan dan di arahkan ke dalam air yang mengalir pada pipa. Berdasarkan Hukum Faraday, cairan yang memiliki konduktifitas yang mengalir melalui suatu medan magnet akan menyebabkan sinyal listrik yang […]
Rheonik has more than twenty years of experience in the field of Coriolis mass flow meter design and development. Beginning in 1984, Karl Küppers began the design of a mass flow meter based upon the Coriolis effect that later became the patented Omega tube Coriolis mass flow meter manufactured by Rheonik today.
Flow meter merupakan alat ukur yang digunakan untuk mengukur laju aliran atau Jumlah suatu fluida yeng bergerak mengalir dalam suatu pipa tertutup atau saluran terbuka seperti channel atau sungai atau parit atau gorong-gorong. Jenis fluida yang melalui atau diukur oleh flow meter bisa berupa cairan, gas maupun solid. Dalam Aplikasinya penggunaan flow meter untuk mengukur aliran baik berupa kecepatan […]
The Magnetic flow meters are known as electromagnetic flow meter or more commonly just called a mag a very famous after the turbine flow meters and positive displacement flow meter. A magnetic field is applied to the metering tube, which results in a potential difference proportional to the flow velocity perpendicular to the flux lines. Electromagnetic flow […]
Low-Cost Flowmeter (for Immediate Delivery) MODEL RK1150 SERIES These revolutionary low-price flow meters are massproduced for quick delivery. The body material is made of high corrosion-resistant engineering plastic molded into elegant shapes. Features – Low price Rationalized mass production with a resin mold for low cost and quick delivery. – Easy disassembly/reassembly Users can easily […]
Flow Meter with Flow Controller (Not Subject to Load Pressure Change) MODEL 2503F SERIES The constant flow valve Model 2203 that permits constant flow and the precision flow meter RK1400 are combined in this flow meter to permit high-precision measurement and control of a wide flow range, from very small flow to medium flow, when […]
Oval Flow Meter Oval Gear flow Meter Positive Displacement Flow Meter Oval Gear Flow Meter is one type of Positive displacement flowmeter . They operate by repeatedly filling and emptying compartments of a known volume with a liquid. The flowrate is then calculated based on the number of times these compartments are filled and emptied. Given it’s immunity […]