Fluid flow measurement is very important in an industry such as the oil refinery ( refinery), electricity generation ( power plants, industrial chemicals ( petrochemicals ), Industrial waste treatment, food and beverage industry and the Pharmaceutical Industry. In the process industry such as this, requires a determination of the quantity of a fluid (liquid, gas, […]
FLOW METER ULTRASONIC CLAMP ON SITELAB SL1168 Clamp-On Ultrasonic Flow Meter | Transit Time Ultrasonic Flow Meter SL1168 Ultrasonic Flowmeter uses the latest digital technology and low-voltage broadband pulse transmission. The instrument is tolerant of liquids with small amounts of air bubbles or suspended solids found in most industrial environments. With distinctive features such as high accuracy, […]
SiteLab SL1188 Clamp On Ultrasonic Flow Meter GENERAL DESCRIPTION Clamp-on ultrasonic flow meter sl1188 is a state-of-the-art universal transit-time flowmeter designed using SLSI technology and low voltage broadband pulse transmission. While principally designed for clean liquid applications, the instrument is tolerant of liquids with small amounts of air bubbles or suspended solids found in most […]
Introduction SiteLab Ultrasonic Flow Meter is a registered US trademark by flow measurement professionals with more than 37 years of experience in flow measurement and flows standards, 34 years of which have been in the ultrasonic flow measurement field. We are pioneers in the ultrasonic flow measurement industry and possess many years of experience valuable to our customers. Primarily designed for […]
Greyline, an ONICON Measurement Solutions business,is a worldwide leader in ultrasonic instrumentation for industrial and environmental markets.Greyline develop, manufacture and market industrial flow and level monitoring instruments including ultrasonic level transmitters, Ultrasonic flow meters and Magnetic flow meters. Greyline’s primary market is environmental – especially water and wastewater treatment systems. Customers include industry and municipalities. […]
In order to respond to the new field, KOFLOC has been focus on liquid-related product. As a first step, we developed liquid mass flow controller 「FCL-200」 and ultrasonic flow meter for various liquid 「FML-500」. We will continuously try to increase our liquid-related lineup to respond to client’s demand, so please don’t hesitate to contact KOFLOC […]
Jenis flow meter yang mampu membaca atau mendeteksi aliran yang sangat lambat seperti ini biasanya mengacu pada jenis flow meter Ultrasonic, electromagnetic ataupun coriolismass flow meter. Ketiga jenis flow meter ini mempunyai berbagai kelebihan dan kekurangan masing masing dimana seperti kita ketahui tidak ada jenis flow meter yang dapat di aplikasikan pada semua jenis cairan dan pade jenis kondisi lapangan. […]
Jenis Flowmeter, model flow meter dan Type flow meter Flow meter adalah alat instrumentasi guna mengukur aliran dari suatu fluida baik liquid ( liquid flowmeter), sludge ( sludge flow meter) maupun gas ( flow meter gas), baik bertemperatur rendah hingga temperatur tinggi. Dalam memilih flow meter harus disesuaikan dengan kondisi fluid dan fungsi flowmeter itu sendiri. Karakteristik dari fluida yang diukur […]
Saat ini Ultrasonic Flow meter banyak dikenal dan digunakan di dunia indusri karena sangat efektif serta bisa menurunkan biaya operasional dengan mengurangi down time equipment dan juga menurunkan biaya installasi. Karakteristik ultrasonic flow meter dengan sistem Installasi clamp on tidak mengganggu alur produksi karena saat installasi tidak diperlukan penghentian produksi. Ultrasonic flow meter adalah flow meter yang dalam […]
Clamp On Ultrasonic Flow Meter Transit time Ultrasonic Flow Meter SL1168 Ultrasonic Flow meter uses the latest digital technology and low-voltage broadband pulse transmission. The instrument is tolerant of liquids with small amounts of air bubbles or suspended solids found in most industrial environments. With distinctive features such as high accuracy, high reliability, the MPU […]